DM Research Map - Addition / Update
Thank you for your interest in MDF's Myotonic Dystrophy Research Map. This tool was created to enable researchers, PIs and industry professionals engaged in therapy development for myotonic dystrophy to find the KOLs, institutions, tools and publications needed to move forward as efficiently as possible.

Included in this Map are all researchers and investigators, drug development tools (animal models, cell lines, publications, data sources, studies, etc.) and the institutions for whom we have knowledge and contact information. Also included on the map are DM-related drugs currently in development, and their corresponding developers.  

To ensure the map is as accurate and up to date as possible, MDF is requesting content submissions and corrections from our community. Please fill out the form below and MDF will validate the submission before adding it to the map.
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Is this regarding an existing map element? *
If "Updating an existing node on the map," what is the title of the existing node?
New or Updated Element Title *
What type of element is this? *
Please provide an abstract, short description or summary of the element.
List any additional details based on similar elements (e.g., Principal Investigators, Geographic Location, Development Stage, etc...)
Provide a link to supporting documentation if available.
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